Friday, August 20, 2010

Macaroni is my Soulmate/ Learning to be Fearless

So, as the title suggests, I'm eating the living room! That's right! Cuz I'm a grown up now and I can do whatever I want when I want now!! ...Hold on, mommy says I have to go do the dishes or else I won't get my allowance, brb...Just kidding. :P I've been allowed to eat in the living room for a while, as long as I use a tv tray.

Now on to more important matters: depression. I personally think that the weather does a lot to your emotions. For instance, it's been rainy and humid here for the past few days, so I've been feeling all mopey and irritated. However, today, It's warmed up, and the sun is out, and I'm feeling a bit more hopeful for the future! Isn't it weird how that happens? Either way, I've been feeling kinda sad recently. It's almost as if my life is moving waaay too fast for my liking. Why didn't I enjoy the time that I had to be young and irresponsible? I know that I'm still quite young, and I've got a TON of things to look forward to, but I feel myself looking to the past and mourning the loss of those years long past. It kinda sucks to feel this way.
But, I know that Satan is just using my...what's a good word? Fear, maybe? Yeah, fear of growing up...he's using that to try and control my emotions and encourage me make decisions based on that fear. I may have let him do that for a while, but now that I recognize it, I'm going to do my very best to not let fear control me. After all, when I'm on the side of the Creator of the Universe, what IS fear anyway? And why am I letting myself fall into it?
From now on, I'll be writing about my fears and how I plan to conquer them by facing them. Of course, I'm sure I'll write about other things, along the way, but that's going to be my quest! Man, I feel superpowered already! Thanks, God! :D