Saturday, October 24, 2009

Great Friends and Good Memories

Kate and Sam spent the night last night! We're sitting around the table talking about whether or not unlimited texting is a better way to go or not. Of course, this is coming from the texting queens, lol. Last night was hilarious, we had so much fun! We stayed up until like, 6:00 am talking and laughing and for some reason, saying Kate's boyfriend's name (Bobby...or as we call him "Blobby") over and over again for what seemed like an hour straight! And somehow, in a way that only girls at a sleepover with too much starbucks coffee in their systems can do, we changed the conversation from Blobby to corn chips. Insanity, I say. Complete insanity it was.

Kate, Sam and I were best friends for a really long time, but when we got older and more busy with working, boyfriends, karate and the other million things we get caught up with, we kinda grew apart and didn't see each other much. I'm always really glad for times like this when things are just like old times, remembering birthday parties, laughing fits that lasted for 30 minutes at a time and hundreds of thousands of inside jokes.
Some of the favorite inside jokes that we have consist of: Ithle-dudelykins (pronounced Ith-al dood-leekins) and the twilight zone theme song, Thrimp Thalad and the nummies, random things about Kate's accident-proneness, P.I.P. G.I.P. L.I.P. and W.I.P. and of course all the songs that we made up together.

I really miss having those great times together all the time, but it's really great to at least have this kind of treat every now and then. I love my girlfriends!!! ::happies::

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