Monday, December 27, 2010

On The Origin Of Species

I was on wikipedia, looking at a summary of what was in Darwin's book On the Origin of Species, and it got me thinking about stuff-not the origin of species, I'm not a very scientific person, so I only barely understand what all that's about-but more about people and their rejecting of God and His existence and the effect that has on them. This is what I came up with:

Reading this just reminds me of what a man (or woman) becomes after a lifetime of rejecting God’s existence. Sure, a person can start out as a great one with fabulous intentions, they just happen to not think that a “God” exists. No problem.
But after a while, they start rejecting more than just God. They start rejecting things that could possibly support the existence of God. Why? Because that would mean that they’re wrong. This is totally natural, who really wants to be wrong?
That’s not the only reason one would reject God. The other reason is that IF there was a God, then they would have to be held accountable for their actions. All those things they’ve done in secret; all those thoughts they’ve had; every single bit of their private, personal life would be known. We know that we’ve done, said and thought bad things, and that’s okay, as long as we’re the only ones who know about it. But if Someone perfect and wonderful knows about it…we’re now seen as the terrible people we really are. We don’t have to admit to that, sometimes we don’t even recognize it. But we’re not entirely stupid. We were created with a mind that can put two and two together to figure out that we’re not as great as we pretend to be. I digress.
So they begin rejecting everything that leads to God. Then the next step is rejecting everything that REMINDS them of God. That’s a pretty empty life they’re building.
No wonder Darwin became so bitter toward the end. Same thing with Voltaire. Possibly the same with emperors and kings and other types of rulers. They start off great, just trying to figure things out or stating what they’ve observed and everything. But they still refuse to see God in this. They put humans or nature or something else as the be all end all. That’s why they became bitter, because humans are sinful. They let you down more than once. Pretty soon, they all start to look more like animals, because that’s how a lot of them act. And geez, anything disabled or mentally unstable is OBVIOUSLY worse than a regular human, because they can’t even act like the proper animals they are. So it only makes sense that they should die, as they’re no help to the other animals, in fact, they’re a burden!
I feel so terrible for the people who have believed things like this. That’s such a terrible way of thinking. I know I’d become quite depressed if I saw the world like that.

I hope that I’ll never even begin to view life this way. It is such a gift. Humans and animals and anything else in life are all your creation, and it’s so beautiful. Yes, we sin and act like animals a lot of the time, but you didn’t create sin. The sin in the world is unnatural. It’s a parasite that has diseased the world. But you created us as we should be, and when that side of us comes out-when I see your image in my friends and family and even strangers-it’s such a wonderful thing to behold. I sincerely hope that I would never reject you, because life without you in it is so miserable and disgusting.

Thanks for reading! I'll probably update this in another six months or longer. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kailee,
    I was just leaving a comment on Josh's blog and clicked into your blog. I just want to encourage you. I have been a christian for about thirty years and it is lovely to see young people talk about God the way you do. What I feel I want to say to you is 'Hold fast that which is good'. My life has only got better since coming to Jesus.
