Monday, November 23, 2009

Facing Giants And Hacky Sacks

Hello my friends, I know it's been a while since my last post, but life doesn't always allow me to update as much as I'd like.

The past few weeks have been fairly fast-paced, but not unbearably so, life is, as it usually is, good. Yesterday was Sunday and I was very excited for it to be Sunday because Sunday means Youth-Group-Day. Ben had just gotten the movie "Facing the Giants" a couple days ago (I think) and so he apparently decided that we would watch it during YG. My parents have the movie, but I've honestly only seen it once and that was around the time that it came out. So yeah, Anthony hadn't seen it so I was pretty excited to see what he would think about it. We served each other chips and other yummy junk food (that's something Ben started doing with us, we have to serve each other) and sat down to watch. It was really fun because there were a lot of funny parts that I didn't remember seeing and Anthony and I were making fun of their extremely southern accents and all that. But then the story started to shift to being less funny and more focused on God and I know that's when I truly started to pay attention. I'm serious, there were parts of that movie that I really wanted to start crying, it was very touching. Anyway, we came to the end of the movie where everything turned out happily ever after and all that, then we went into one of the classrooms and talked about what we got out of the movie. There were a lot of good points made by everyone. A few of the biggest points that were made are as follows: Not only should someone put their trust in God, but everything else too, including dreams and challenges, because honestly, it's not really trusting God if you withhold things like your dreams and fears from Him.


Even when you trust God and decide to do only His will, you better mean it because He may not give you all the hopes and dreams that you wanted to come true if He doesn't think you really need them or should go in that direction.

Those points were really impactful for me, and I decided after we prayed and everything that I would start one day at a time to live according to God's will, not mine. So far, I've done pretty well, I think, but I'm sure I could improve, so I'm gonna need lots of prayer. ::hint hint::

After the lesson and cleaning our stuff up, Ben gave Anthony and I a little free time to do whatever, so we decided to play with Ben's hacky sack! It was a lot of fun because it doesn't matter how good at catching Anthony may be, I'm SO bad at throwing that even he couldn't even catch it all the time! On our way to drop Anthony off at his house, we were tossing it back and forth and trying not to hit Ben (who was driving) in the head or anything. We were laughing so hard I'm sure we sounded pretty stupid. Then Ben took me home and stayed over for dinner
and ate tacos! :D All in all a very good night was had yesterday.

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